Prior to the Next Journey

We are now in September 2016. Eid al-Adha and Malaysia Day were over, and the end of this month is coming marking the end of the present Mahallah Representative Committee (MRC). The new MRC will take the chamber officially on the following day. Like always, some of members of the present MRC will retain their seats for another term, while some of them will end their service at the time this MRC sees the red light. Some of Mahallah residents, at the other side, will join the chamber in place of outgoing members.

Before we come to the end of term of this Committee, let us answer these questions by our own: How many types of knowledge and skill we obtained throughout the service? How far we achieved in academic, co-curriculum, discipline and leadership all this while? How much we contributed towards our land and our people throughout our leadership in Mahallah and the University? Have we prepared ourselves very well in order to face the real world in the near future?

For those having positive answers for all these questions, let me personally congratulate you. You have done your job for your people and your land very well while, at the same time, you managed to take excellent care of yourself in those aspects. For those answering otherwise, let me tell you personally: you are yet to fail. We still have the opportunity for self-improvement. You tried your best to achieve higher, yet you have to struggle much more in order to achieve the real success.

If you ask me to answer these questions on your behalf, let me tell you: I admit that we have pacing much slowly than before. Still, we managed to achieve the success at our own level with all abilities we have. Most of Key Performance Indexes determined for us are achieved. We have been moving steps towards the main goal of Mahallah and the University. Well done!

However, we cannot be too satisfied with whatever we achieved at this moment. We need to improve. We cannot depend too much to someone who has been powerful since. We are all leaders, and we are all responsible towards our leadership, so we should be powerful together. Energise ourselves with types of knowledge and skill, and beautify ourselves with values and virtues. Consequently, we will be “Soaring Upwards” in the near future.

The truth is that the end of term of the present MRC does not signify the end of our struggle. The end of service towards Mahallah and the University is just a stop before going through the next page of our life. As a part of our people, we will continue the struggle. We will ensure that we enjoy excellent services, quality facilities and beneficial activities which will help us to produce the Champion of IIUM Community, very next time.

Before we continue the journey, allow me to spend this moment, in my personal and professional name, to extend my heartiest appreciation to everyone in this University for support, encouragement, advice and prayer I received since the first day I assume this chair. In particular, I wish to thank the University for trusting me with this chair for another term.

As the President of this College, I try my best to give possible rights to my people and to facilitate my people’s need. Unfortunately, there have been circumstances which disable them from deserving those rights in a timely manner. Please accept my sincerest apology for all inconveniences happened in result of this matter. In fact, we face the hardship together though only some of the people worked very hard to ensure my people’s rights.

As a chair occupant of MRC, I would like to thank my Mahallah team members – the Principal, the Assistant Manager, officials and resident leaders – for whatever I obtained during my tenure of office. I am distinctly honoured to be a part of this team, where we can do more to achieve more.

Unluckily, this Mahallah does not belong to me. This Mahallah also does not belong to anyone or any group. As a crucial part of this University, this Mahallah belongs to us all. I just join this team and do my job to ensure the peace and stability in this land and its people.

For those who will be leaving the chamber, your contribution towards Mahallah and the University is highly appreciated. For those who will remain in this chamber, and for those who will be a part of this chamber, let us continue bringing our Mahallah and our University to another level of success.

Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents, family members, teachers, comrades, friends and students – whenever and wherever they are – for their love and care towards me all my life. Their sacrifice, inspiration, passion and loyalty towards me, all their life, will always be commemorated.

May Allah bless us all.

May Allah bless the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue, forever more!

Awang Abdul Muizz bin Awang Marusin
President, MRC as-Siddiq, IIUM Gombak Campus

MRC as-Siddiq Meeting 10/2016
Sunday, 18 September 2016, 10.30 pm
Mahallah as-Siddiq Meeting Room, IIUM, Gombak, Selangor
