Eid Mubarak

On the day this address is delivered, Ramadhan is coming to the end. Ramadhan has been a golden opportunity for Muslims to enhance themselves physically, mentally and spiritually.

Ramadhan is not only for fasting, but also for extra submissions and good deeds with double rewards. Ramadhan, at the other side, is not only for the purpose of maintaining and enhancing our relationship with Allah SWT, but also with the entire human.

Ramadhan has been everything for Muslims. Ramadhan has been an avenue not only to seek the Grace and Mercy of Allah, but also to make ourselves available in the Lailatul Qadr. Ramadhan has been a platform not only to express our love and concern towards our needy community, but also to share both with the others as well.

Everyone hopes the best for themselves in this month, so did us. We wish that we have used the chance we got throughout Ramadhan to improve the quality of fasting, double our submission and increase good deeds. We wish also that we have made ourselves available in the Lailatul Qadr.

Congratulations to all Muslims for the upcoming Eid al-Fitr. Take 1 Syawal to give thanks to Allah SWT, and to congratulate our fellow Muslims for the success in going through Ramadhan and using it for the purpose of obtaining His Grace and Mercy.

Use this day – and the entire Syawal – to apply the meaning of being “Sehati Sejiwa” (One Heart and One Soul). Pay a visit to our families, teachers and friends. Exchange greetings and apologies with them. Improve and sustain relationships. Continue loving the diverse community. Share the celebration with them, so they know the uniqueness of Islam and Malaysian culture.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Muslims, particularly our University people, their families and friends. Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

May the upcoming 1 Syawal – and the upcoming year – be a peaceful and prosperous one. May Allah accept our submissions and good deeds in Ramadhan. May Allah bless and forgive us; and make us a part of His Paradise in the Hereafter. May Allah bless the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue – forever more!

The picture was taken after Khatam al-Quran Ceremony organised by Sabah Science Secondary School on 30 June 2016 in Tuaran, Sabah; in conjunction with its 1437/2016 Ihya Ramadhan Programme. 
