Reflect and Enhance

June 2016 marks the end of Semester 2, 2015/2016. We have one more short semester prior to the new Academic Year. For those who will take short semester, they will continue the journey. Otherwise, they will have a long rest.

No matter how long your vacation will be, I wish to invite all of you to reflect ourselves: How good you perform in academic and co-curriculum? How much you acquired and improved your skills? How far you bear your loyalty to the University? How many duties and responsibilities you managed to do? Most importantly, how close are you to Allah?

As a man, and a vicegerent of this earth, I wish that we are able to answer by our own whatever we have done so far. I also wish that we managed to do everything well.

Beyond that, I believe that you did yours very well. I, therefore, would like to offer my sincerest congratulations to all of you for whatever you achieved, and my heartiest appreciation for whatever you have done all this while.

If you think otherwise, I have to say that, “As long as Allah gives you life, you still have the time to improvise and enhance yourself.”

Together we take the opportunity in this holiday not only to make self-reflection, but also to make self-purification and self-enhancement.

Together, in Ramadhan, we improve our fasting quality, continue appreciating al-Quran by reciting and understanding it, share our love to the needy community through tithes (Zakat) and alms (Sadaqah), pray continuously for His Pleasure and Forgiveness upon us and, most importantly, make ourselves available in the Lailatul Qadr.

At this opportunity, I wish all of you a safe journey going back home and the University, at the end of your vacation. Enjoy your long recess with your families and friends. Make your vacation beneficial for yourselves and the community. Use this long holiday to make a better future for our people and our land.

At my part, I promise to try my best to improve and enhance myself continuously. I also wish that I am able to present my next plan for my college and my University in due course – for a better service, delivery management and performance.

At the same opportunity, I wish all of you a blessed and eased Ramadhan. May His Blessings be with you, your families and friends, whenever and wherever you are.

As Malaysia is about to commemorate the King’s Birthday, this 4 June, together we make a prayer to Allah SWT: May His Guidance and Pleasure be upon Their Majesties.

Photo courtesy of IIUM Office of Corporate Communication and
